In our current society, it is without a doubt that media creates conflicts between expectations and society. Many reality shows today stress that beauty is more important than anything else. Girls and even guys spend unnecessary amounts of money just to imitate a certain look seen on television, on their favorite celebrity, or a trend that is popular among their peers. Media consists of a sea of many role models who sometimes do not understand how much of an impact they have on their loyal fans. Most people rely on the news, entertainment news, or radio talk shows to receive information about the latest topics or trends happening. Most of the media is corrupted by some sort and not many people think outside of the box and research a topic on their own, they solely rely on the media's word.
Another huge conflict facing young women today is the pressure to lose weight. Many shows like "America's Next Top Model" create controversy about what is considered "socially acceptable" in our world today. Many young females believe that being beautiful and skinny is what will help advance their social status in the world. These are the female who starve themselves, confusing their mind set and leaving them in complete ignorance that they are damaging their health. It's sad say yes, that people actually do that just to lose those unwanted pounds and look abnormally skinny.
A quote from this
article I found that describes this whole issue in one statement, "Eating disorders are NOT diets!".
Good example. Often media are "corrupted" by the advertisers who pay for the content.